
“…It’s Time to Strengthen my Family!”

“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Peter said to him, “Lord, I am ready to go with you both to prison and to death.” Jesus said, “I tell you, Peter, the rooster will not crow […]

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Soul Searching Moments

Public Service Announcement

We’re smack dab in the middle of election season, and it just took an unexpected turn. With that being said, I stopped by to ask you to please pray before you post! Just because you have the right to post something on your page doesn’t mean that it is beneficial. Our role is to point […]

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Soul Searching Short Stories

A Stranger in the House:Part 6

Part 6. True Ministry Mr. Thomas turned down his walkie talkie and whispered. “God said that he heard your cries in the midst of the storm last night. He said He had to destroy your house, so you could come to His. He said He would never leave you or forsake you. He said He […]

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Soul Searching Short Stories

A Stranger in the House: Part 5

Part 5. An Alternate Route “…Son? What is it?”             “I’m not your son. My dad’s name was Theodore Hayes. We used to come to a church like this when I was growing up. Well, it wasn’t as fancy as this one. We didn’t have a huge choir… just a couple of ladies with an […]

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Soul Searching Short Stories

A Stranger in the House: Part 4

Part 4. Come to the Altar I thought, “Is this the moment when he’s going to invite us to the altar?” If so, I was ready to push through anyone I had to in order to get there, and that included the security guards. So, I listened and I waited.             Then, the moment came […]

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Soul Searching Short Stories

A Stranger in the House: Part 2

Part 2. The Front Row When I entered the church, no one was there to greet me, but I saw the doughnuts and coffee on the table. Feeling like a thief, I snuck over to the table and shoved a doughnut hole in my mouth before anyone could stop me. Then, I ate another one […]

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Soul Searching Short Stories

A Stranger in the House: Part 1

Part I. I Called Out to God Strung out on drugs, homeless, and alone in the world, I cried out to God and asked Him to help me one night as thunder rattled in my ears and raindrops raged war against the cardboard box that I called home. Now that I was ready for his […]

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Soul Searching Newsletter

A Soul Searching Romance Novel

I can’t believe that I am doing this, but I am about to make a Christmas announcement in May. (Please don’t tell our middle daughter. She doesn’t want us to talk about Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving). Unfortunately, I can’t wait that long because that’s the release date. That’s right! You heard me. On […]

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Author's Message

Author’s Message: Nicole C Schroeder

Exciting News!!! After a two-year gestation period, I am humbled to announce the completion of my latest novel The Gift is His, The Beginning. In addition, I have updated the original novel The Gift is His. This is a multicultural, multigenerational book series that I am truly enjoying as a writer and a reader. Each […]

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Soul Searching Newsletter

A Soul Searching Announcement

We will celebrate our fourth anniversary as a Soul Searching with Our Father family on October 27, 2024. Over the years, I’ve posted and prayed for every person in our Soul Searching family. Sometimes I was led to pray for an entire state. Interesting fact: The first state I was led to pray for was […]

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Book Reviews

22 Keys to Joy

Author Dawn Holley is joy personified! When she enters a room, she has the God-given ability to shift atmospheres, not because of who she is, but because of who she serves! Matthew 5:16 states, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in […]

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Cartoon Message

A Soul Searching Cartoon Message- Part 2

Sickness strikes! Accidents happen. Violence wreaks havoc in our lives. These things can cause our physical bodies to change, but that does not make us any less human or valuable. We belong to God and that is why our identity must be rooted in Christ!

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Special Blogs

Happy Mother’s Day

Growing up, I heard this phrase, “Give people their flowers while they’re living.” My mother, Betty J. Pinchon, has a green thumb! She loves flowers, so my husband and I enjoyed picking out the perfect flowers for her. Then, our three girls arranged them on the flower stand just before we surprised her. To be […]

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Soul Searching Newsletter

Soul Searching Newsletter- May Edition

Soul Searching History Lesson Picture credited to the photographer, Xavier Horton. Excerpt from Part 1: Day 9: Peter the Prejudice One “…First of all, I never thought this series on Peter would be this long, but I truly feel like Holy Spirit is guiding me. During this process, my prayer life and expectations for people […]

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Soul Searching Moments

2024 Election Message

Ready or not, the 2024 elections are coming. President Biden intends to run again, and the media suspects it will be another Biden-Trump show down for the presidency. One intends to make America “great” again, while another intends to battle for the “soul” of America.

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Soul Searching History Lesson

Part 1: Day 4: Peter, The Prejudice One

Recap The last time we were together, I had some questions for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Well, during my soul searching time, these questions led me to examine the word disciple. So! What is a disciple? One definition for the word disciple is a follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopher. Another […]

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Soul Searching Moments

Childhood Easter Memories

A Walk Down Memory Lane… My dad, Thomas Earl Crutcher, aka Brother Thomas, loved Easter! He organized the Easter services and egg hunts every year. For as far back as I can remember, he would assign me to sing, praise- dance, act, or recite an Easter speech. The Easter speeches were my least favorite, but […]

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Soul Searching Moments


A Soul Searching Moment Dear Heavenly Father, Where do I begin? Your love for us has NO bounds. If I had ten thousand tongues, I could not praise you enough! While the United States flag represents freedom for American citizens, the bloodshed and sacrifice made on the cross represents freedom for every nation! “For God […]

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Soul Searching History Lesson

Part 1: Day 1: Peter, The Prejudice One

The photo is credited to the owner, Xavier Horton. Using some of his photos for my Soul Searching blog in 2023 is an answered prayer, and I thank God for blessing us this way. When I looked at this photo, I received multiple downloads about our history. Day 1- Soul Searching Introduction As I mentioned […]

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Soul Searching Newsletter

Soul Searching Newsletter- Feb/March

A Soul Searching Journey During Black History Month, God sent me on a soul-searching journey. For my ministry class, our assignment was to deliver a 7–10-minute sermon in front of our classmates. Prior to choosing a topic, we had to pray and ask God to give us the message. Through this process, I received a word […]

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Special Blogs

Happy Thanksgiving

While it is true, Thanksgiving isn’t a “religious” holiday. It is in our house because it gives us another opportunity to thank God for the many blessings he’s bestowed upon us. Psalm 107:1-3 NIV states, “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story-those he […]

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Thomas Crutcher: A True Worshiper
Special Blogs

Thomas Crutcher: A True Worshiper

Growing up, I heard my dad, Thomas Crutcher, aka Tacky Man sing a song titled, “One of These Old Mornings,” by the New Christianaires. I can hear him sing these words, “One of these old mornings, it won’t be very long, you’re going to look for me and I’ll be gone. Going up to heaven to sing and shout, and there won’t be nobody there that can put me out.” Well, on September 20, 2008, just five days after my twenty-eighth birthday, my father went home to be with the Lord. What an honor it is for me to write about him, as we publish my 100th blog post!

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Prayer in School

Prayer in School

When a school shooting occurred this year,  I read a post on social media that said, “Put prayer back into the schools and this sort of thing won’t happen.” While I wish that were true, school sponsored prayer has not proven to be the answer to our troubles.

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Black History Month

Black History 365- Day 5

As I meditated about this and how it pertains to Black History Month, my dad’s words came back to me: “There are five important books, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and us, and most people will spend more time studying us than the other books.”

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Black History Month

Black History 365-Day 4

Deny the hurt, anger, and disappointment that threatens to overwhelm you when it seems like no one cares or understands your plight as an American citizen. Do not lash out on social media or create a hostile work environment.

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Black History Month

Black History 365-Day 3

As I meditated about this scripture and how it pertained to Black History Month, this thought came to my mind: “Black History Month is another opportunity for us to let our light shine as one nation under God, so the world can see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven.”

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Black History Month

Black History 365- Day 1

As we prepare to celebrate Black History Month in the United States of America, we must remember that Black History or African American History is American History; therefore, it shouldn’t be treated with distain. The fight for racial equality is not one sided. People of different races joined together to fight for equality in America; […]

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The Gift is His Blog

The Editing Blues

Before After I made editing changes to the ebook and print version post distribution. Yikes! Let me tell you… After approving the manuscript to be printed by the publisher, I received twenty-five copies in the mail. This should have been a great day for me, but it turned out to be one of the worst. […]

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Subscriber Newsletter

Soul Searching December/ January Newsletter

December The holidays are always bitter-sweet for me! While Jesus is the reason for the season and I love making this a special time for our girls, I can’t help but to miss my dad. He loved to give apples, oranges, and an assortment of nuts during the holidays because it reminded him of his […]

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Society, Special Blogs

Happy New Year

I hope you had a stress-free Jesus led Christmas, and I pray you have a happy New Year. I don’t want to take up too much of your time this evening, but I have an announcement to make. Are you ready? Drum roll please!!!! I broke up with complaining today. It’s weighing me down more […]

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Christmas, Love

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

This is the day that we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; however, somewhere along the way, I started to use this season as a form of discipline. To be honest, I’ve been doing this for years. As a parent, I love Christmas time because it is the easiest time of […]

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A Cup of Coffee, Please!

As I meditated about this week’s blog, several topics came to mind. So! Imagine my surprise when I realized that my topic this week would be about coffee. Yeah! You’re surprised too, right? I mean, what’s up with that, Lord? Well, let’s get into it. Did you know that the global coffee industry was valued […]

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Soul Searching Moments, Soul Searching Short Stories

Saved but Stuck

Have you ever met someone who was saved but stuck? Perhaps you’ve never thought about it. To be honest, I hadn’t either until I met Henry Lee Jackson. Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful. It’s Deacon Henry Lee Jackson. I know how important titles are. Well, I joined a new church last […]

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The Call

Do Not Hide Your Light

As we prepare to begin our second year as a Soul Searching with Our Father Community, I do not believe it was an accident that I was led to write a blog about light. You see, as our Father begins to increase our territory, we must step out on faith and let our light shine. […]

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Special Blogs

…Still Soul Searching A Year Later

Hello! This is your sister in Christ, Nicole C Schroeder. To celebrate our one-year anniversary, I wanted to answer a few questions about this past year. Of course, my allergies and sinuses decided to tag along today, but we will not allow them to steal this moment, so let’s begin… To begin this interview, please […]

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Society and Christianity

Cancel Culture

Are you familiar with the cancel culture? Well, according to an online dictionary, the cancel culture is ostracism in 2021. People exclude individuals from social media and cut ties with them in the business world when a scandal occurs or if they disagree with them about something. It’s pretty intense. Anyone could be “cancelled” according […]

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Society and Christianity

A 0-5% Tip Sounds Appropriate!

As an introvert, I enjoy staying home and eating meals with my family. However, I like to go out to eat on certain occasions, and I expect good service that begins and ends with a smile. Don’t you? Service with a smile makes it easy for me to leave a 15-20% tip. On the other […]

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Please Thank Your “Trolls”

As I meditated about this weeks blog, I was led to discuss internet trolls. According to an online definition, an internet troll is a person who joins websites and social media threads, using fake names and photos; in order, to attack people about their race, religious beliefs, political party, lifestyle choices, favorite sports team, favorite […]

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A “Heart” Beat

The Law Recently, the state of Texas banned abortions as early as six weeks after conception and/or as soon as “cardiac” activity is detected. In other words, a baby will not be aborted in Texas once he or she has a heart beat, and some women are concerned that this decision could be the first […]

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Prejudices and Biases, Society


First of all, I would like to thank our Heavenly Father for calling me in the midst of my imperfections. I want to thank him for calling me during a global pandemic and racial unrest in 2020. I thank him for seeing what I could not see within myself. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. […]

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Society and Christianity

A Lukewarm Spirit

I love to drink hot chocolate! Did I mention that I love hot chocolate? The key word here is: hot! To me, there is nothing more disappointing than to drink lukewarm hot chocolate on a cold winter day. I know it’s August, but bear with me for a moment. If my HOT chocolate is lukewarm, […]

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God's Plan

A Ruth and Naomi Kinda Season- Part 2 (Orpah)

As we prepare to step into a “Ruth and Naomi” kind of season, I felt led to discuss the “Orpahs” in our lives. In the book of Ruth, Orpah was Ruth’s sister-in-law. Over the years, we’ve grown to think of Orpah as the daughter in law, who decided to go back home after her husband […]

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God's Plan

A Ruth and Naomi Kind of Season

As we prepare for the next season in our lives, I am led to believe that this is a Ruth and Naomi kind of season. You see, Naomi was in a situation. She lost her husband. She lost her two sons. She no longer had an opportunity to have grandchildren. She felt like God had […]

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Walking on Water

When God calls you to step out of the boat and walk on water, prepare your heart for the storm of unbelief that may surround you. People will question your timing. Girl, are you sure you want to do that now? People will question your motives. “Why are doing this? Are you doing this because…?” […]

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Soul Searching on Vacation

I am on vacation with my family, but I am still soul searching with our Father. I can’t wait to share what was downloaded in my spirit out here on the beach, concerning the storms in our lives and the rainbows to follow. I will publish my next blog on Tuesday, July 27, 2021.

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Perfect Timing

Have you ever found yourself waiting for the perfect time? Is there really such a thing as that? Well, as I meditated on this week’s blog, I was led to Luke 9:57-60 ESV. It states, “As they were going along the road, someone said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” And Jesus said to him, “Foxes […]

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Our Independence

On July 4, 1776, my ancestors were slaves in the United States of America; however, I am led to believe that a seed for freedom and justice for all was planted when the founding father’s developed the United States Declaration of Independence. A seed? Come on, Nicole! The founding father’s had slaves. The founding father’s […]

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Society and Christianity

The Love of Money

Hey, Family! I was really excited to post my next blog in the timing series because I get to share a little bit more with you about my dad but I am not the owner of this website. God is! Therefore, I have to go where he leads me, and today we have to talk […]

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Is it Harvest Time?

Hey, Family! Our youngest daughter had her tonsils and adenoids removed on Monday, so I couldn’t post my blog as I planned on Tuesday because she required a little extra TLC. Fortunately, she is getting back to her fun loving self a little more everyday and I was able to connect with you today. With […]

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injustice, Love

Timing is Everything

Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV states, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” So, here I am again, Father. I need to know what time it is. Is it “time to mourn or is it time to dance?” Over the last week, I’ve mourned the loss of what was and what […]

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What Time Is It?

To be honest, I feel like Mary and Martha after their brother, Lazarus died. I need you to show up in this moment, Jesus! Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV states, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” So what time is this, God? Is it time for me to keep silent, or […]

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Male and female relationships


Hey, Family! First of all, I would like to thank those of you who said a little prayer for me. I had a dental procedure on Tuesday and I was unable to post the blog. I thank you for your patience and I am glad to be back with you. I am still hurting a […]

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The “Naked” Truth

As I soul searched with our Father about this week’s blog, I was led to read Genesis 9:20-24 ESV. It states, “Noah began to be a man of the soil, and he planted a vineyard. He drank of the wine and became drunk and lay uncovered in his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw […]

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Society and Christianity

Sometimes You Only Have One!

This week I was led to read about the time Jesus healed ten lepers. (According to an online dictionary, the word leper is a person who is suffering from the modern day disease of leprosy. To provide a little background knowledge, a leper was considered to be unclean; therefore, he or she had to remain […]

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Society and Christianity

Walking By Faith

Dear Heavenly Father, I would like to start this blog by thanking you for giving me the strength to walk by faith! Hebrews 11:1 NIV states, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” I have confidence that strongholds will be broken and hearts will be healed […]

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Let’s Talk About Pastors

When situations occur in our society, we often wonder what our pastors will say about it on Sunday morning. Will they speak out against racial injustice? Will they speak out against the police officers, who commit heinous acts against minorities in our communities across America? Will they address illegal immigration? I mean, they have to […]

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 Have you ever wanted someone to hurt as much as you hurt, concerning a cause in society or a situation that personally occurred in your life? Have you ever wanted someone to care about a cause as much as you cared about it? Have you ever wanted it so bad that you tried to make […]

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I Have a Question
Prejudices and Biases

I Have a Question

Have you read John 16:33 ESV? It states, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” Please go back and read the entire chapter in your spare time; however, I just want to speak briefly about this one verse.

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Do You Love Yourself?

Do You Love Yourself?

Well, as I meditated on this week’s blog, I heard these words from somewhere deep within: “Some people do not love themselves, so they will not be able to love their neighbor.” Wow! So, I had to consider what loving one’s self looks like.

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Enemies and Prayer

Dear Hackers,

. . . Or should I refer to you as my present or future brothers and sisters in Christ? Yes, I like that better. Now that we’ve gotten that out the way, how are you? I hope you are doing well. This conversation is long overdue, so let’s get started. Approximately 200-250 people come to […]

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Society and Christianity

Jesus Can Relate

Watching situations play out in the media, like a trial that currently has my attention, I am reminded that there will always be people who will “attempt” to discredit others. Some people will use a person’s past to discredit them. Some people will use their current circumstances to discredit them. Some people will use their […]

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I’m Protected!

Living in Alabama, having a “shade tree” in the backyard is a prize possession. Shade trees protect us from the beaming hot sun and slightly reduces the summer temperature in that specific location around us. Oh! I’m telling you… it’s a little slice of heaven here on Earth. Therefore, when the sun changes positions in […]

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Society and Christianity

It Just Hit Me- I’m Privileged!

According to an online dictionary, the word privilege is an adjective, and it means to “have special rights, advantages, or immunities.” Well, when I think about the word privilege, white privilege comes to mind because we often discuss it in our society. In summary, white privilege refers to the advantages that white people allegedly receive […]

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Prejudices and Biases

Live At Peace

Due to prejudices and biases, I am treated poorly at times. It isn’t an easy thing to talk about but I will admit that I became angry and bitter about it. I gathered years and years of evidence to support my claims and I prepared to use it to win my “case.” Next, I envisioned […]

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Society and Christianity

Nothing Can Separate Us!

Yet, 400 years ago, the enemy attempted to rewrite history. Like Eve in the garden, he tricked merchants into believing that Africans were property; property that could be sold, stolen, or traded for goods such as guns, alcohol, and cloth to people from the “New World.”

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Justice and Peace!

The slogan, “No Justice, No Peace,” continues to be heard around the world, as individuals and organizations protest racial injustices; however, as believers in Christ Jesus, we have an inner peace because we have aligned ourselves with the Prince of Peace.

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. . .When You Hear, Black Owned Businesses!

Hey Family, I know it isn’t Tuesday but I really needed to share this with you today. (I pray that you will listen or read this blog with an open heart.) Wait a minute! What am I saying? You always do and that’s why I love you. Let’s get started. When you hear the term, […]

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Hey, Family! I wanted to release a Valentine’s edition about my mother-in-“love,” Sherry, God rest her soul. She introduced my husband and I, and we consider her to be our guardian angel. Well, maybe one day we will write a blog about her “match making” skills together, but I am not the boss, remember? I […]

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Crawling After Jesus

Hey Family! I wanted to take a moment to speak to you about this journey that we’re on and I titled this blog: “Crawling After Jesus.” In fact, I chose this picture of our youngest daughter, Hannah because this photo speaks to how I feel. You see, when our Father called me to write about […]

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Society and Christianity

You’re Prejudice!

According to the Oxford Language Dictionary, the word prejudice means to have a “preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or an actual experience.” However, prejudices and biases can develop over time based on experiences as well. For this reason, I was led to read the documented events recorded about Jesus and his encounter […]

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Enemies and Prayer, Society

Censor Me, Father!

Okay! Let’s have a quick history lesson about the First Amendment. In summary, it protects the freedom of religion, speech and expression, the press, the freedom of assembly, which is a group of people gathered together in one place for a common purpose, and the freedom to petition the government about concerns we have as […]

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Love Always Perseveres

We live in a world where our unique individuality “could” be a stumbling block on the road to “success.” We could define the stumbling block for minorities in America as systemic racism. In summary, systemic racism involves policies and procedures implemented in our society to place minorities at a disadvantage, leaving many to feel as […]

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Commentary, Love


So! How was your Christmas? Did you spend the day with our Father? Did you spend time with your family? Did you shift the atmosphere with the truest form of love? I’ve been thinking a lot about you. I hope you’re doing well. (It certainly did my heart good to know that individuals across the […]

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Politics and Christianity

The Election Results

Out of all the topics in the world for me to discuss this week, our Father placed it on my heart to discuss the election results. Yikes! Talk about a touchy subject. According to the 2020 US election results, updated on December 16th at 4:49PM CST, Joe Biden received 51.4% of the vote and President […]

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As I soul searched with our Father about this Holiday Season or what my family and I refer to as the Christmas Season, I couldn’t help but to think about the people who dread spending time with their family and friends. (I know. It’s not exactly a warm and fuzzy thought.) Trust me, I would […]

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Commentary- Do You Have Good Sense?”

Psalm 19:11 NIV, states: “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.” So what does it mean to have good sense? Good sense is defined as having sound judgment. So what does that scripture mean? Does it mean we should never get angry? Does it mean we […]

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Tuesday Prayer

Soul Searching with Our Father: 12/22/2020 Father God, I come to you in the name that is above every name and that name is Jesus. He is called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, and The Prince of Peace. He is called the Prince of Peace because He is our Peace here on […]

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Offense and Forgiveness

Do You Have Good Sense?

While hate crimes, police brutality, and racial slurs are the most obvious forms of racism in 2020, covert racism is what most people experience. In summary, covert racism is subtle and could be easily excused if you are not the one experiencing it. For example, it “could be” a sales representative who chooses to ignore […]

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Tuesday Prayer- 12/15/2020

Father God, I come to you in the name that is above every name and I acknowledge once again that Jesus Christ is Lord. His unconditional love goes beyond my level of understanding but I will forever be grateful because he gave his very life for me. And the fact that you -the one who […]

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Society and Christianity

A Politically Correct Christian

While I can’t remember the first time I heard the term politically correct, I know that there was a time in my life when I prided myself on being politically correct. I was well versed in the language, policies, and measures one should take to avoid offending others and I understood the steps to take […]

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Forgiveness Matters: Saul is Waiting- Part 2 Commentary

When someone hates you because of the race God chose for you in this life, it is easy to write them off and label them a racist. Well, it was for me anyway.  Then, I had an encounter with Jesus and it changed my life because I gained a deeper understanding about love and forgiveness. […]

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Racism and Forgiveness

Forgiveness Matters- Part 2 Saul is Waiting

As Stephen was being stoned to death, he prayed, “Do not hold this sin against them.” In the meantime, a man named Saul stood nearby and watched as they stoned Stephen to death. (The definition of stoning is a method of capital punishment where a group throws stones at a person until the subject dies […]

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Racism and Forgiveness

Forgiveness Matters- Part 1

By: Nicole C Schroeder I recently read an article about a district that apologized to the African American students in their community for years of racial discrimination, but a prominent leader in that community questioned the sincerity of the apology.  As I reflected on the article, God downloaded this thought into my spirit: Our response […]

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Racism and Forgiveness

. . .God Prepares A Table

When God prepares a table for you in the presence of your enemies, it might not go exactly how you envisioned it. Well, at least that was my experience, so let me start from the beginning… Years ago, I identified my enemies as people who commit racist acts, regardless of their race, and I waged […]

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Politics and Christianity

The Christian Vote

By: Nicole C. Schroeder During this election process, I found myself questioning fellow believers’ relationships with God because they did not share my political views. Sometimes it felt as if believers cared more about unborn babies than the men and women who were being murdered in the streets. As a result, a part of me […]

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Love, Racism and Forgiveness, Society and Christianity

My First Blog

When God whispered in my spirit to write and publish my blogs every Tuesday at 5:00P.M., He also whispered in my spirit to disable comments. Of course, I didn’t understand why he would ask me to do something like that because I recently read an article that said, “Comments add value to blogs because it […]

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