Soul Searching History Lesson

Picture credited to the photographer, Xavier Horton.
Excerpt from Part 1: Day 9: Peter the Prejudice One
“…First of all, I never thought this series on Peter would be this long, but I truly feel like Holy Spirit is guiding me. During this process, my prayer life and expectations for people have changed. I no longer focus on their love for me, but their love for God. Once a person can love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, then that person can truly love me the way Christ intended. So, what does this mean? It means I can’t expect people to love me more than they love God. In essence, how a person treats us is a direct reflection of their relationship with God. Jesus modeled his love for the Father everytime He interacted with others. The fact is Peter and the other disciples had first hand experience regarding how to treat people. Jesus was the perfect teacher on the subject. He was love personified. So, why wasn’t His example good enough for Peter? Why isn’t His example good enough for us? Why do we allow man’s laws and customs to dictate how we treat people?”
If you haven’t read this series, I pray that you will consider reading it.
The Gift is His: The Beginning
Book Cover Design Coming Soon
I am excited about the second book in The Gift is His series. While it is still in the production phase, I wanted to use this opportunity to share an excerpt from the prologue with you.
“… Mama was right. All roads lead back to Ruth Sinclair.” Penny said, as she leaned her head against the car window. “I should have listened to her. We never should have come here.”
With tears in his eyes, Charlie looked out of the back window and watched Farmhouse Lane disappear before his very eyes and his heart ached like it never had before.
About halfway down the road, Alabaster looked in the rearview mirror, and he saw Charlie wiping tears from his face with the back of his hand. He wished things could have been different. He wished his mother-in-law hadn’t spoken so harshly to Charlie. He wished his wife wasn’t giving their son the silent treatment, but he’d brought it on himself. Charlie didn’t tell them that Ruth Sinclair was in town and he put their family at risk, so their trust in him had vanished as quickly as the surrounding scenery. How could they ever trust him again?
As I mentioned previously, this book will focus on Charlie and his family. If you haven’t read the first book, I encourage you to get the E-Book version today!!!
The Gift of Hospitality

The NIV Women’s Study Bible defines hospitality as “the practice of welcoming, sheltering, and feeding — with no thought of personal gain — those who come to your door. Much more than elegant menus, elaborate table settings, or lavish entertainment — hospitality is sharing what we have and who we are with whomever God sends.”
While Denise Keeter, a wife, mother, friend, prayer warrior, and Soul Searching sister, prepares delicious meals for her guests and sets the table beautifully before their arrival on Wednesdays, she yields her guest list to God. I am a witness! In 2022, I met Denise during a ministry class at our church; however, we hardly interacted that semester. Yet, on the last day of class, she gave me her phone number and invited me to a prayer meeting at her house. It was the warmest invitation I’d ever received! Little did I know- God was using Denise to teach me- a person who enjoys gathering around the table with close family members and dear friends- what true hospitality is.
While I tend to save my affection for those who are closest to me, Denise shows the same amount of enthusiasm and warmth to new guests as she does to her long-time friends- regardless of their age, race, cultural backgrounds, socioeconomic status, political affiliation, Christian denomination, or their past or present mistakes. What unites everyone at Denise’s table is their love for Jesus Christ! Loving Jesus gives her the freedom to love people just the way they are and it gives the people at your table an opportunity to seek HIM in a genuine way.
Please click the link for the full interview.
On A Personal Note

Ready or not, the 2024 elections are coming. President Biden intends to run again and the media suspects it will be another Biden-Trump show down for the presidency. One intends to make America “great” again while the other one intends to battle for the “soul” of America.
As I enter this next election, this scripture comes to mind: “ It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man” (Psalm 118:8NIV). While I will cast my vote like so many other responsible Americans will do, I will not argue with my brothers and sisters regarding their canditate or political party. Why would I? As believers in Christ, we are united because we serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords; therefore, we lack nothing. Our King can and will supply all of our needs.
Please click the link for the full message.