Author’s Message: Nicole C Schroeder

Exciting News!!!

After a two-year gestation period, I am humbled to announce the completion of my latest novel The Gift is His, The Beginning. In addition, I have updated the original novel The Gift is His. This is a multicultural, multigenerational book series that I am truly enjoying as a writer and a reader. Each character feels like an extension of my family, and I can’t wait for you to get to know them better. As soon as I have the exact release dates, I will begin a countdown on my website.

The Gift is His: The Beginning

“The Gift is His: The Beginning” is a prequel to
the original book “The Gift is His,” depicting
narratives from the viewpoints of Charlie and his
family members. As the narrative unfolds, Charlie
Daniels-Ross learns a valuable lesson from his family: nothing is ever as it seems. Instead of being a family built on love, his grandparents, Paulene and John Daniels built their family’s legacy on a foundation of lies and deceit

Now, history is repeating itself. Charlie has a secret, and he soon realizes that he’s more like his family than he originally thought. When it was time to tell the truth, he couldn’t bear to do it. Now, there’s a crack in the foundation, and there’s only one way to repair it. They must go back to the beginning and remember when they first picked up their cross!