Category: Soul Searching Short Stories

Soul Searching Short Stories

A Stranger in the House:Part 6

Part 6. True Ministry Mr. Thomas turned down his walkie talkie and whispered. “God said that he heard your cries in the midst of the storm last night. He said He had to destroy your house, so you could come to His. He said He would never leave you or forsake you. He said He […]

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Soul Searching Short Stories

A Stranger in the House: Part 5

Part 5. An Alternate Route “…Son? What is it?”             “I’m not your son. My dad’s name was Theodore Hayes. We used to come to a church like this when I was growing up. Well, it wasn’t as fancy as this one. We didn’t have a huge choir… just a couple of ladies with an […]

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Soul Searching Short Stories

A Stranger in the House: Part 4

Part 4. Come to the Altar I thought, “Is this the moment when he’s going to invite us to the altar?” If so, I was ready to push through anyone I had to in order to get there, and that included the security guards. So, I listened and I waited.             Then, the moment came […]

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Soul Searching Short Stories

A Stranger in the House: Part 2

Part 2. The Front Row When I entered the church, no one was there to greet me, but I saw the doughnuts and coffee on the table. Feeling like a thief, I snuck over to the table and shoved a doughnut hole in my mouth before anyone could stop me. Then, I ate another one […]

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Soul Searching Short Stories

A Stranger in the House: Part 1

Part I. I Called Out to God Strung out on drugs, homeless, and alone in the world, I cried out to God and asked Him to help me one night as thunder rattled in my ears and raindrops raged war against the cardboard box that I called home. Now that I was ready for his […]

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Soul Searching Moments, Soul Searching Short Stories

Saved but Stuck

Have you ever met someone who was saved but stuck? Perhaps you’ve never thought about it. To be honest, I hadn’t either until I met Henry Lee Jackson. Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful. It’s Deacon Henry Lee Jackson. I know how important titles are. Well, I joined a new church last […]

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