A Newfound Peace
Ready or not, the 2024 elections are coming. President Biden intends to run again, and the media suspects it will be another Biden-Trump show down for the presidency. One intends to make America “great” again, while the other one intends to battle for the “soul” of America.
As I enter this next election, this scripture comes to mind: “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man” (Psalm 118:8NIV). While I will cast my vote like so many other responsible Americans will do, I will not argue with my brothers and sisters regarding their candidate or political party. Why would I? As believers in Christ, we are united because we serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords; therefore, we lack nothing! Our King can and will supply all of our needs, so I will not stress about the end result because Jesus already won! (I wish I’d understood that years ago. It would have saved me a lot of heartache and I could have saved a lot of severed relationships).
The fact is parties and presidents are limited in their abilities to meet our needs, but we serve the “Great” I AM! If America wants to be “great,” we have to surrender our lives to HIM! He cares about every aspect of our lives-from the womb to the tomb. No one is left out of His plan! (Jesus loves the unborn baby as much as he does a criminal on death row). Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, God, for your grace and mercy. I don’t pretend to understand it all, but I will be eternally grateful.
In the same vein, if we are concerned about the “soul” of America, we will not be saved by an elected official, but fear not! John 3:16-17 NIV states, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” In other words, Jesus is the answer! He is the Truth people are seeking. His sacrifice on the cross saved our soul. We just have to surrender our lives to HIM. The battle has already been won and I’m not talking about an election. I’m talking about the victory on the cross!
So, whatever comes our way in 2024, I’m going to lead with love and rejoice with the Truth. I will pray for our elected officials, and thank God that my peace is no longer connected to election results. My peace begins and ends with the Prince of Peace. Happy voting, my brothers and sisters! I am so thankful for this level of freedom. My prayer is that you will find it in your heart to join me on this peaceful journey! Think about it. Then, go to the Father and pray about it. Life is too short for us to continue to allow Satan to steal our joy every four years. God is still on the throne, family! We are in good hands.