Joy to the Office: Chapter 1 Sneak Peak

The “Christmas” Spirit

In our Soul Searching Christmas novel, Joy to the Office, the Christmas spirit enthralls our heroine, Joy Bell. Long lines or indecisive shoppers will not stop her from having the best Christmas ever. She will get everything on her Christmas list, even if she has to cut in line or snatch an item or two out of someone’s hand. This video, while created for amusement and book promotion purposes, made me think about my actions as I shopped for my loved ones this season. Sure, I want our girls to get everything on their list, but I shouldn’t treat people poorly along the way. We must remember this: Christmas begins and ends with love. Jesus was love wrapped in swaddling clothes. Jesus was love as he was being crucified on the cross. Jesus was love when he rose again. Jesus is love as he intercedes for us in heaven, even as I type this post. Showing love through our patience and kindness this season could be the very thing that brings someone to Jesus. I hope Joy realizes that before it’s too late!

Joy to the Office: Tuesday, December 24, 2024