Hey, Family!
Our youngest daughter had her tonsils and adenoids removed on Monday, so I couldn’t post my blog as I planned on Tuesday because she required a little extra TLC. Fortunately, she is getting back to her fun loving self a little more everyday and I was able to connect with you today.
With that being said, this summer is all about timing, so we will continue to focus on Ecclesiastes 3. Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Well, as I meditated about this week’s blog, I was led to focus on the fact that there is “a time to plant, and there is a time to pluck up what is planted.” Growing up, my mother and aunt worked at a nursery. Other family members worked on farms and spent time in their gardens. To be honest, it all seemed so complicated to me. For example, plants need sun, but certain plants will wilt or burn if we overexpose them to the sun. Plants need water, but we should water them at certain times of the day. Plants need soil to grow; however, it is important to determine what kind of soil we have. Is it loamy, clay, sandy, silty, peaty, or chalky? Like I said, it seems complicated to me but my hat goes off to everyone with a green thumb! Planting requires hard work, dedication, and faith! Faith? Why faith? Well, like most things in life, there is no guarantee that what we plant will actually grow, or what we plant could turn out differently than what we intended. Yet, it doesn’t stop a farmer or gardener from believing that it will all work out in the end.
In the same vein, God plants us in certain places so we can grow and mature in Him. Sometimes he plants us on a hill or in a valley. Sometimes he plants us on the side of a mountain or on a mountain top. Sometimes he plants us in the middle of strong winds. Sometimes he plants us during a drought.
Through it all, we need the Son of God to grow; however, some of us will wither and die trying to live by the world’s standards. (I know what that feels like). We need a fresh anointing from the Father when the days seem long and the going gets tough, but some people prefer to read tea leaves or horoscopes to see if there are brighter days ahead. (I am not sure why I was led to add that part, but I pray it is received by the one it should touch). To God be the glory! We need soil to grow! Our soil is the word of God. Yet, we don’t have time to read his word and Wednesday night bible study is inconvenient for us. We have family, work obligations, and extra-curricular activities. All of which were given to us by the One we put off. Yet, He waits patiently for us to grow and mature because he understands that there will come a time for us to “pluck up what is planted.” After all, He is the Great I AM, the Beginning and the End.
So what does it mean to mature and grow in the Lord? Does it mean we learn to adjust, adapt, and thrive wherever we are planted because we understand that Jesus is our greatest resource? Does it mean we can gather the fruits of our labor and take it with us wherever he chooses to plant us next? Wow! So, our heartaches, hard work, sweat, tears, sorrow, long hours, and dedication will never be in vain? You mean, if he moves me from one place, only to move me to a new place with similiar surroundings, I am still prepared? Wow! Isn’t that something?
So, what exactly are we “plucking up” during harvest time? Perhaps it is the ability to find joy during sorrow. Perhaps it is the ability to shine our light in a dark room. Perhaps it is the ability to sit amongst lions and come out without a scratch. Perhaps it is the ability to love our enemies and pray for those who spitefully misuse us. Perhaps it is the ability to find peace in the middle of a war zone.
And what do we do after we pluck up the harvest? Well, what do we do with fruits and vegetables from our fields and gardens? We eat them, so they can be nourishing to our bodies. In other words, we surrender to his will for our lives. We also share them with our family, friends, and community. Imagine sharing joy during sorrow. Imagine sharing your light during dark times. Imagine sharing these God-given abilities wherever the Lord plants you, rather it is on a hill or in a valley. Just think about it. Then, go to the Father and pray about it. I know I am because it’s harvest time for some of us.
#Soul Searching with our Father#